Park Place Dental Practice
Park Place Dental Practice Lower Floor, 3-4 Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3DP
0029 2037 3831


Up to 50% off

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National Smile Month has arrived!

As well as regular information on how to improve your oral hygiene we are pleased to have a range of offers throughout the month.

For the whole month from the 18th May – 18th June we are offering 50% off our full oral health and cosmetic consultation – £45 instead of £90. In addition there is a discount of up to 50% off a range of cosmetic treatments such as dental whitening, stain removal, white fillings and Smile Tru invisible braces .

To find out more about the specific offers please contact us or telephone 029 20 373831 for further details.

Terms and Conditions.
1. The offer is valid from 18th May-18th June 2015.
2. The discounts apply to our full private fees only.
3. The discounts off treatments will only be applicable to those treatments our team deem clinically suitable for the patient.
4. The discounts cannot be exchanged for other services and have no cash alternative. 
5. The discounts cannot be transferred between patients. 
6. The discounts off further treatment must be used by 31 June 2015.
7. The discounts are for new patients to the practice only. 

A New Smile !

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Mans-Smile-before This gentleman was unhappy with the appearance of his smile and needed to greatly improve his appearance as he was dealing with the media.

He was also finding it progressively more difficult to eat effectively due to the presence of several loose teeth.

After a lot of discussion regarding his options the possibility of dental implants was not an option due to financial reasons.

Mans-smile-after-1We removed all of the loose teeth and then placed cosmetic dental crowns and bridges to improve the appearance of his front teeth. These were shaped to ensure they fitted in perfectly with his smile and the colour selected that he was happy with. Once these were fitted a partial, cosmetic denture was used to replace the missing back teeth.


mans-smile-after-2Once the denture is fitted it completes the final appearance of a new upper arch of teeth. The patient was delighted and could now eat far more effectively and the appearance was a complete makeover of his smile !

It is a great way that different types of dentistry such as crowns, bridges and dentures can be used to provide a solution where implants may not be suitable.


Mark has been the principal of Park Place Dental for 15 years and has a wide experience in cosmetic and restorative solutions to improve patients smiles.


National Smile Month is nearly here!

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National smile month begins on May 18th ! Throughout the month we will be posting information on several topics that can help you understand the importance of a healthy mouth – how a wonderful smile can help you, how to keep your gums healthy and the benefits healthy gums have to your general health. We also will look at how to prevent tooth decay and acid erosion, especially in children.

We will be having several events in the practice throughout the month that will be a lot of fun – for staff and patients alike!!

There will be several offers throughout the month and competitions to enter s0 join us between May 18- June 18 or follow us on facebook to keep up to date with the latest events!

If you have any questions regarding your oral health then get in touch with the team!


20% off cosmetic white fillings .

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Congratulations you have found our new website . This is the part of our rebranding to our new corporate identity.
Please visit the site to find out more about the latest procedures we can offer to enable you to achieve a healthy, attractive smile for life. You can visit the blog page to keep up with the latest health advice Emma and Leigh are posting and to keep up to date with the regular offers we have on different treatments throughout the year.

We are currently offering 20% off all cosmetic white fillings until the end of March!!

In addition we would love our existing patients to join us on our facebook page again to join our patient community and be kept up to date with all of our regular health advice and seasonal offers. I would like to thank those patients who have already written a review of the practice – we very much appreciate it. If you would like to ask our team any questions regarding your dental health then please do so via our facebook page.
Please like our page and share it with your friends and families. For the next month, once a week, we will pick one lucky winner who has kindly written a review on our facebook page to receive £50 of gift vouchers.

With kind regards,



Invisible Cosmetic Repair.

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Smile Gallery – Case 2

Porcelain-veneer-2-beforeThis lady had an unfortunate accident and chipped the biting edge off her upper central incisor and fractured the porcelain veneer on the adjacent lateral incisor. The aim of her treatment was to restore her smile so that all the cosmetic work was invisible and no other damage was done to her teeth throughout.


To restore her smile we were able to replace the broken porcelain veneer with the latest E-max cosmetic veneer. Then we were able to use a highly aesthetic bonded white composite filling material to restore the biting edge of her chipped central incisor. This was shaped and polished to blend in with her natural tooth.



The final result shows her beautiful smile restored with the two broken teeth repaired with no further damage to her teeth.

This is an example of how white fillings can be used to cosmetically restore chipped, worn or broken teeth.


No Smoking Day March 11th

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no smoking day

The countdown to no-smoking day 2015 has begun! If you’re thinking of giving up then let March 11th 2015 be your day!

Let’s face it there’s not much kudos in smoking these days. Over time your health deteriorates and your wallet feels the burn too.

Quitting won’t be the easiest thing you’ll ever do but here at Churchill Dental we reckon it will be up there with the best.

Smoking is also a risk factor for oral cancer as well as many other cancers.

Did you also know that a person is more than twice as likely to have oral cancer if they smoke and drink alcohol?

Smoking also increases the risk of periodontal disease, reduces the benefits of periodontal treatment and increases your chance of losing your teeth.

Become a healthier you – the benefits of stopping smoking start straight away.

  • After 20 minutes your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal
  • Within 8-24 hours nicotine and carbon monoxide start to leave your body and oxygen levels return to normal
  • 24 hours and your lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris
  • 48-72 hours later your sense of smell and taste both improve
  • 2-12 weeks exercise becomes easier and your breathing improves
  • 3-9 months any coughs, wheezing and breathing problems are reduced as your lungs repair
  • After a year your risk of coronary heart disease is now half that of a smoker

The other really satisfying thing about quitting is the benefits never really end. The financial benefits of quitting soon add up too!

If you’re a 20 a day smoker you will save:

  • £8.50 in 1 day
  • £59.50 in a week
  • £255.00 in 1 month
  • £765.00 in 3 months
  • £1,530.00 in 6 months
  • £3,102.50 in 1 year

Think of all the things you could treat yourself to with £3,102.50!

There is help out there to quit. We offer smoking cessation advice here at Churchill Dental or you can sign up to local services, consider quitting aids or venture online to


Therapy tips – Fresh Breath

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Top Therapy Tips.

Emma says that brushing your tongue daily as well as your teeth will freshen your breath and help prevent bad breath!


Therapy tips – Brushing Time

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Top Therapy tips !

Research shows that the average brushing time for individuals is closer to 30 seconds rather than the recommended two minutes.

Time Yourself!!!


